Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Report On The Development Of The Tourist Destinations - Samples

Question: Discuss about the Report On The Development Of The Tourist Destinations. Answer: Introduction The Big Goose and The Big Cow Statue are amusement parks, established for providing amusement and recreation facilities to Children. These parks can be developed into tourist spots with a little planning. For this, the investors need to indulge in meetings with the stakeholders and shareholders. In these meetings, the statistical data related to the revenue and profit in the recent past needs to be considered. This data would assist in planning modifications for providing the tourist with an innovative experience (Munar Jacobsen, 2014). Involvement of the Local Government in the meetings would be an additional assistance. This is in terms of achieving grants and allowances for altering the structure of the parks. How can the tourist destinations be developed? Upliftment of the small-scale industries Organizing cultural shows in these parks would be a lucrative offer for the personnel in attracting the tourists. Along with this, fairs, exhibitions can be organized for making the tourists acquainted with the cultural heritage. Including the handicrafts prepared by the rural people would act as their financial independence. For this, written permission needs to be taken from the local government. Making accommodation plans for the rural people would reflect the consciousness towards their wellbeing (Han Hyun, 2015). Security Within the plans, inclusion of security is an important issue. This is in terms of ensuring the safety and security of the children when they are enjoying the rides. Posting a security guard at each ride can be an effective step in this direction. Along with this, a flexible alarm can be installed, which would alert the staffs when any adverse situation arises. The experts need to check the alarms frequently in order to avert instances of malfunctioning. The rides need to be planned, bearing in mind the safety of the children. Here, distance is an important factor. This is in terms of keeping surveillance over the activities of the tourists in the park (Byun Jang, 2015). The temperature and current of the water rides need to be regulated in terms of averting accidents. Health Health check up camps can be set up in the parks. This would not only act as a first aid for the children but also for their parents. Free health checkups would act as an agent for attracting large number of tourists (Williams, Weidenfeld Butler, 2016). For this, the healthcare professionals need to be contacted. Cuisine Food outlets are already there in The Big Moose and The Big Cow Statue. However, they need to be made more interesting. If jokers and clowns are placed in the entrance of the outlets, the children would be curious to enter the restaurants. These jokers and clowns can offer chocolates to the children. The quality of the chocolates needs to be tested before they are given to the children. This is in terms of avoiding the instances of food poisoning. For this, quality experts need to be hired, so that high quality foods are prepared for the children. Financial flexibility All these plans can be successful only if the park administrative staffs have financial flexibility. Indulging in partnership with the members of trade union would assist in coping up with the situations like inflation, high exchange rates and fluctuations in the prices of the raw materials. Lackadaisical attitude in this direction can act as an obstacle if planning is made for increasing the number of rides. Therefore, the administrative staffs need to review the financial condition prior to the initiation of the planning. Risk assessment Risk assessment is crucial within the planning. This is in terms of ensuring the wellbeing of the tourists and providing them with an unique experience within the amusement parks (Jin, Lee Lee, 2015). For this, the risk assessment template needs to be considered. This template would make the personnel aware of the extent to which the risks have been reduced and the changes, which have to be made. Transport facilities The airport authority can arrange for cabs, which would take the tourists to the destinations like The Big Moose and The Big Cow Statue. Apart from this, the tourists staying in the hotels nearby to these parks can hire taxis through the apps. If the hotels have their own transport facilities, then the complexities of the tourists regarding sightseeing get eased (Munar Jacobsen, 2014). All these means would help the hospitality industry staffs to achieve large-scale customer satisfaction. Conclusion Surveys and feedbacks from the clients enables the staffs to gain an insight into the effectiveness, appropriateness and feasibility of the undertaken steps. Using social media for this purpose would assist in reaching to a large number of audiences at a single time. Uploading the images of the plans would help the clients to propose effective solutions for proceeding. Sending drafts to the tourism industry managers about the plans and programs possesses flexibility for introducing lucrative schemes, offers and discounts for the tourists (Zhang, Li Su, 2017). Typical example in this direction can be free passes for the cultural shows or food vouchers. The administrative staffs of the park can indulge in trades, deals and transactions with the tourism department. This partnership would act as agent in escalating the sales revenue and profit margin of both the park and the tourism industry. References Byun, J., Jang, S. S. (2015). 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